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Welcome Home!



The six-week WHC program invites inactive Catholics back to Mass, to receive the sacraments regularly and share in the joy of parish life.


Each series meets one night a week for six consecutive weeks. The process is confidential, informal and free. There is never pressure to participate further. Yet, an investment of ninety minutes a week can reap eternal rewards. 



We start by sharing our various journeys home to the Lord. Why did we leave? Why did we return? This brief discussion helps identify how to follow up since our individual stories are as unique as our fingerprints. Attendees are encouraged to share their journeys but are never required to do so.


Next, we see how we are each called in our different ways to love and serve the Lord.


Then we review highpoints of our Catholic faith: why Jesus gave us the sacraments, the importance of learning more about our faith, especially Jesus’s most sacred gifts: forgiveness for our sins and the Holy Eucharist to strengthen us.


 “Graduates” are free to choose a parish. In addition to receiving the sacraments, many continue with more in-depth education such as Bible study. Some “pay forward” this gift of faith in various service ministries including WHC. 

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