Welcome Home Catholics
is a primarily lay-driven ministry meeting for ninety minutes on the same night
for six consecutive weeks during three seasons: after Christmas, Easter and Labor Day.
With your pastor’s permission, your parish can participate in two ways:
Host Parishes
promote and host the six-week WHC series in a parish meeting room
or church sanctuary.
Sponsor Parishes
promote an upcoming six-week series in a neighboring parish with in-parish
promotion provided by WHC at no charge.
(A Host Parish can easily participate as a Sponsor Parish during off-season.)
For more details on each approach, click the "Parish Resources" tab
for “How To Promote And Host WHC ”
WHC is fully insured to cover both host and sponsor parishes.
St. Cecilia
St. Agatha
Our Savior
St. Peter the Apostle
St. Theresa
St. Thomas Aquinas